How to Wear Your Wedding Ring Set
How are you supposed to wear your wedding ring set? Should you wear your engagement ring on the inside or the outside? Should you always wear both of your rings after you’re married?
In truth, there are no right or wrong answers to these questions. Your wedding ring set is a unique expression of your relationship and you can wear it however you like. Even those who want to follow wedding ring etiquette have leeway when it comes to styling a wedding set, as there’s no single dominant modern convention to adhere to.
With that said, there are two ways of wearing a wedding ring set that are considered more traditional. You can choose to wear your rings in one of these traditional ways or opt to style your rings in a less conventional fashion. To help you decide how you want to wear your rings, we’re going over your options below.
Traditional Ways to Wear a Wedding Ring Set

The two traditional ways to wear a wedding ring set are similar, with one main difference. Both involve wearing your engagement ring and wedding band together on your left-hand ring finger. Yet, each convention suggests doing so in a different order.
This difference is not random or due to any type of stylistic preference. There’s a specific meaning behind deciding to put your engagement ring on before your wedding band, and vice versa.
Wedding Ring on the Inside
Wearing your wedding ring on the inside of your wedding ring set is a tradition that has ties to the ancient legend of the vena amoris, or the vein of love. Ancient Romans and Greeks believed that the fourth finger of the left hand contained a special vein that went directly to the heart. This vein, called the vena amoris, was thought to have a strong romantic significance, so it became popular to wear betrothal rings on the fourth finger of the left hand.
While the vena amoris does not actually exist, its legend is why so many people still wear their wedding rings on their left-hand ring finger. It’s also why numerous people consider putting your wedding band on first the proper way to wear your wedding set. Going by the rules of the legend, the ring you put on first is closer to your heart than the ring you put on second. Many hold that the ring that symbolizes your marital bond, your wedding ring, should be closer to your heart because it is the most important part of your wedding set.
It’s easy to wear your wedding band on the inside of your set once you’re married, but doing so during your wedding ceremony can pose a slight logistical challenge. Some brides decide to put their engagement ring on their right hand for their ceremony so that their wedding band can easily be slipped on first during the ring exchange. Others may have their partner take off their engagement ring, then put on their new wedding band, then slip their engagement ring back on. Another option is to simply put your wedding ring on the outside during your ceremony, then swap your rings later.
Engagement Ring on the Inside
Some say that you should wear your wedding rings in the order you received them. If you want to follow this tradition, you would put your engagement ring on first and your wedding band on second. If you want to wear a promise ring with your wedding set, you would put that on before your engagement ring. If you have an anniversary ring, you would put that last.
An attractive aspect of this way of wearing your wedding rings is that it tells a meaningful story. Your wedding rings are a symbol of your love and commitment, but they also commemorate special moments in your love story. By putting on your rings in the order you received them, you tell the story of your proposal and wedding day.
Other Ways to Wear a Wedding Ring Set

Adhering to one of the traditional ways to wear a wedding ring set is not right for everyone. Certain individuals may find those styling standards uncomfortable, impractical, unfashionable, or simply too rigid in ideology. If you’re interested in wearing your wedding ring set in another way, here are five common non-traditional options to consider.
Engagement Ring For Special Occasions
A popular non-traditional way to wear a wedding ring set is to wear your wedding band at all times, then add on your engagement ring for special occasions. There are a variety of reasons to do this, including not wanting to wear a valuable ring with a high carat center stone during day-to-day life. Another reason is not wanting to wear a ring with a raised center gemstone daily, since that can be cumbersome.
One Ring at a Time
Some people don’t like wearing both of their rings at once. This may be an issue of comfort or of not wanting to wear a valuable ring every day. Whatever the reason may be, there’s nothing wrong with swapping back and forth between your rings whenever you like.
Wedding Set on Right Hand
It’s fairly common for left-handed people to wear their wedding ring set on their right hand since some find wearing rings on their dominant hand uncomfortable. It’s also not unheard of for right-handed people to wear their rings on their right hand due to personal preference.
Rings on Different Fingers
Though it’s more traditional to wear your engagement ring set together on one finger as a matching set, some people enjoy spacing out their rings. A common way to do this is by wearing your engagement ring on the left ring finger, then wearing your wedding band somewhere on the opposite hand. Another option is to wear your rings on different fingers of the same hand.
Mixed With Other Rings
Many people enjoy layering other ring styles with their bridal stack, as it allows them to have fun with their looks and express their personal style. If you want to layer your wedding rings with other rings, your options are limited only by your imagination. You can wear other rings on the same finger as your wedding ring set or play around with wearing rings across all your fingers. You could incorporate an eternity band to add more shimmer, wear a birthstone or gemstone solitaire for vibrance, pair yellow gold bands with a white gold diamond engagement ring to create a mixed-metal look, and so on.
Final Thoughts on How to Wear Engagement Rings and Wedding Bands
There are no set rules that dictate how you have to wear your wedding ring. If you want to wear your rings in one of the two traditional ways, do so. If you want to wear your bridal set in any other way, feel free. At the end of the day, the right way to wear your wedding rings is whichever way you love the most.